Using DNS Made Easy to add resilliance to your website

I have been working with a start up customer that has a very limited budget but need resilliancy – in otherwords can not afford down time.  I a previous iteration the CEO and I built a Paymetns Gateway and used the F5 GTM to provide Geographicly diverse failover capability and it cost big $$.  So natrually he wanted it yesterday and for nothing…  🙂

What we had

  1. Production site in a Data Center in one US State
  2. DR site in another US state
  3. Abiltity to program a valid transaction to enure end to end availability

What we wanted:

  1. Active monitoring of web stite
  2. Failure notification
  3. Multiple sites to monitor from –
  4. Automatic failover to DR site
  5. Automatic Failback to Prod site when test is clear.

What I found – DNS Made Easy – Made it very easy to do exactly what we needed.  I wont go into all the details but check it out – if you need to set up failover autmatic or manual I can not recomend them enough!

DNS Fail Over and System Monitor